Adler Aphasia Center, a non-profit organization with three full-service facilities based in Maywood, West Orange and Toms River, NJ, is an innovative program that addresses the long-term needs of people with aphasia and their families. Aphasia is a communication disorder caused by a stroke or traumatic brain injury and affects 40% of these survivors. Adler Aphasia Center is the only center of its kind in NJ, an area with an estimated 70,000 people living with aphasia. It is estimated that 2.5 million people live with aphasia in the US. The Center also offers bi-monthly Aphasia Communication Groups in Haddonfield, Hammonton, Maywood, Monroe, Toms River and Virtual NJ Groups. The Center’s programs and activities are facilitated by speech-language pathologists who work towards enhancing the communication skills of its members and providing opportunities for social and peer support, while building members’ self-esteem and confidence. Caregiver needs are addressed through weekly caregiver support groups. Training and educational programs are offered to healthcare professionals, consumers, educators, students, speech-language pathologists and others interested in improving the quality of life for those affected by aphasia. The Center is also actively engaged in aphasia research efforts.
Our Mission is to enrich the lives of people with aphasia, their families and communities.
Contact Info:
Stephanie Sigelkow
Alzheimer’s New Jersey® is an independent, New Jersey nonprofit headquartered in Roseland that has played a crucial role in the New Jersey fight against Alzheimer’s disease for over 38 years. We continue to do so today as an organization that focuses 100% of its volunteer, staff, and donor resources completely on the growing needs of local families in our communities who face Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia every day.
Alzheimer’s New Jersey programs include a telephone Helpline, Support Groups, The Respite Care and Wellness Program, education and training for family caregivers and healthcare professionals, Always Safe® and Clinical Trial Connections®. Our programs are designed to help caregivers better understand dementia and how it changes cognition and personality in persons with the disease. These programs also provide practical tips and techniques that caregivers can use to best manage care of a loved one, gain access to community resources and recognize and manage caregiver stress.
Our mission is to respond to the needs of people in New Jersey who are affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias by providing programs and community partnerships that increase awareness and access to services.
Contact Info:
Elaine M. Winter
Recruit, screen and train volunteers who advocate in Family Court.
Speak up for children in foster care. We train volunteers to Advocate for Bergen County’s foster children. Goal of our volunteers is to ensure needed services are put in place and speed up the process of securing permanency for our foster children.
Other Ways to Give:
Backpacks, clothing, coats, diapers, baby supplies, toys, school supplies, books, suitcases etc. All have to be new and unused.
Contact Info:
Lucy Rosen
Delivering free healthcare for the working uninsured in Bergen County.
Powered by passionate volunteers, BVMI delivers free, high-quality healthcare to Bergen County’s working uninsured, helping them live healthy, productive lives. By providing free healthcare to working uninsured adults in Bergen County, more people will receive primary, preventive, chronic, and urgent care. This care reduces costly emergency room visits and hospital stays, prevents undiagnosed or untreated diseases from progressing, and protects the health of the community.
Contact Info:
Sue Dyrness
Mentoring for youth up to 18, child literacy programs in elementary schools, home repairs and maintenance for seniors, friendly visits and errands for seniors, free tax assistance, holiday gift giving program for those in need (adopt a family).
To provide human service and training programs to improve lives and strengthen communities.
Contact Info:
Sharnpreet Nagra
The fluidity of program development has allowed CBH Care to launch outpatient and partial care programs, specialized geriatric day and outreach programs, a county-wide adult mental health urgent care center, an intensive after-school adolescent program, a county-wide outreach care management program to end homelessness and a wide array of supervised housing programs that range from 24-hour supervision down to weekly in-community supports provided to residents who live independently.
Our mission is to promote mental health, wellness, and hope for recovery for all individuals and families through compassionate care, expert treatment, advocacy, education, prevention, and early intervention.
Other Ways to Give:
A small donation can and does make a difference! As a non-profit organization, CBH Care values every single dollar that is donated. Each and every dollar helps CBH Care to provide mental health care and support services to our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and communities in need. We invite you to join in our mission.
Contact Info:
Denise Morelli
Our community programs make a profound and lasting difference for the individuals and families who turn to us for assistance and include: Baby Basics which provides diapers, formula and baby essentials to low-income families and is the subject of this application, include: Mobility Mentoring, providing professional mentoring, life skills training and other support services for disadvantaged teens and adolescents; Eldercare services for underserved seniors; Residential Services, in-home supports and day habilitation programs for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities; Foster Care and Adoption Services, and, through the agency’s Center for Alcohol and Drug Resources, community and school-based prevention and education programs addressing alcohol and drug abuse, including recovery support services for those struggling with addiction.
Founded in 1899 with a focus on child protection and adoption, Children’s Aid and Family Services has been a recognized leader in its work with children and families for 125 years. As one of northern New Jersey’s oldest and largest nonprofit providers of human services, each year, the agency’s programs directly strengthen the lives of more than 20,000 children and families living in northern New Jersey. Our mission is to strengthen families and empower individuals – children and adults alike – to reach their fullest potential.
Contact Info:
Matt Pisarcik
The Eastwick Foundation is the philanthropic arm of Eastwick College. It supports the community through its outreach programs. The two most prominent programs are Feed The Hungry and Eastwick Elite Scholarships. Eleven local food banks have received $455,000 – the equivalent of two million meals – with half a match from President Eastwick. On the other hand, Eastwick Elite Scholarships was created in response to the pandemic. Most Eastwick College students lost their jobs and needed financial assistance. Since the creation of Eastwick Elite Scholarships (and its Founding Partners) scholarships rose from 14 awarded pre-pandemic to 42 awarded in 2024.
The Eastwick Foundation: We change lives
Established in 2007, the mission of the Eastwick Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is twofold:
Other Ways to Give:
We are grateful for all donations. Each month we hold a fundraising lunch which supports Feed The Hungry. There are no cafeterias at the four Eastwick College locations so the lunches are very popular. Students and staff purchase a lunch with 100% of the proceeds going to Feed The Hungry. President Eastwick then matches the proceeds. It is incredibly helpful when a donor/restaurant/deli sponsors a lunch for $500 or provides lunch for 80 people.
Contact Info:
Jeanne Patrican
Family Promise of Bergen County’s mission is to empower working families facing homelessness to become self-sufficient by providing temporary housing and personalized support. This includes financial education, job training, educational advancement, resiliency workshops, access to transportation, childcare, and enriching summer camp for children. Family Promise also addresses food insecurity in our community through the Walk-In Dinner Program, which has served 1.4 million meals to our neighbors in need since 1991.
Family Promise of Bergen County envisions a community where every working family has a stable home and the means to create a better life. Family Promise also addresses food insecurity through our nightly Walk-In Dinner Program, which has served 1.4 million meals to food insecure neighbors since 1991.
Other Ways to Give:
Visa and MasterCard gift cards
Grocery cards (Shoprite, Stop & Shop, Aldi)
Gas cards
For Walk-in Dinner:
Complete meals (200 daily needed)
Wrapped/single serving shelf stable desserts
Cleaning supplies
Feminine hygiene products
Paper towels
Garbage bags (bathroom & kitchen size)
Toilet paper
Baby wipes
Toddler pull-ups
Having reliable transportation can be a game-changer for a formerly homeless family. If you have a car that you no longer use and is in good working order, please consider donating it to Family Promise.
Contact Info:
Marie Caliendo
Jersey Cares is a nonprofit organization dedicated to volunteerism and civic engagement in New Jersey. Through partnerships with nonprofits, public schools, and government agencies, Jersey Cares offers a range of hands-on programs designed to foster connection, strengthen communities, and address issues like food insecurity, environmental conservation, access to education, and many others.
To increase the level of meaningful volunteer engagement in New Jersey by creating and managing efficient, impactful projects that address critical community-identified needs.
Other Ways to Give:
Jersey Cares welcomes a variety of in-kind donations throughout the year to help meet the community’s most pressing needs. To learn more about specific drives, like our Diaper Drive and First Night Kit Program, and how to donate, visit:
Contact Info:
John Infante
973-533-1993 x 335
JFCS provides Mental Health Services, Older Adult Services, Food Assistance, and Basic Needs Assistance.
Mental Health Services comprise individual, couple, and family therapy and support groups to help individuals reduce negative symptoms, improve daily functioning, and improve their relationships.
Older Adult Services help local seniors age in place with dignity through care management, socialization, and specialized services for Holocaust Survivors.
Food Assistance is provided through The Corner Market, a community, client-choice food pantry, and kosher meals-on-wheels for homebound seniors and adults with disabilities.
Basic Needs Assistance provides family case management, career counseling/job search support, and emergency financial aid to help families toward self-sufficiency.
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey’s (JFCS) mission is to strengthen and enhance the well-being of all who call upon us by providing professional and compassionate human services to effectively meet life’s many challenges. We serve everyone who requests our aid – regardless of religion, race, background, or ability to pay.
Other Ways to Give:
Other ways to give include in-kind donations of food, gift-cards, diapers (infant, toddler, and adult), and holiday gifts.
We also welcome volunteers to give their time to helping stock, sort, and organize our food pantry, and socialization programs for older adults.
Contact Info:
Michele Wellikoff
New Concepts for Living (NCFL) is New Jersey’s premier provider of community residences and day programs including therapeutic and behavioral services for adults 21 and over living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
The not-for-profit was founded in 1981 by a group of parents whose developmentally disabled children were transitioning into adulthood. NCFL currently operates 18 community residences across northern New Jersey for adults with I/DD and an 81,500-square-foot, modern, state-of-the-art Achievement Center in Paramus with comprehensive day programs and services for lower-need, higher-need and medically fragile individuals.
In addition to residential and day programs, NCFL is one of the few providers that also offers 24/7 behavioral services and 24/7 on-site or on-call nursing care for its participants.
New Concepts for Living’s (NCFL) mission is to enrich the lives of adults with special needs through caring and compassionate support within a nurturing environment that promotes independence, growth, and inclusion.
Contact Info:
Sharon Scimeca
District 6 is made up of 12 local Little Leagues plus a district-wide Challenger Division. We serve children 5-16 years old in 17 southern Bergen County towns – communities served by your business, as well.
The District is the volunteer link between the local leagues and Little League International, the largest youth sports organization in the world. The District provides pre-season safety, coaching, and player development clinics; coordinates league activities throughout the year; and operates District Tournaments that begin the road to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, PA. In addition, we host Sectional and State Tournaments featuring the District Tournament winners as they advance.
Our mission is to implant firmly in the children of the community the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority, so that they may be well-adjusted, stronger, and happier children and will grow to be good, decent, healthy, and trustworthy citizens. Through proper guidance and exemplary leadership, the Little League program assists children in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being. By espousing these virtues, the Little League program is designed to develop superior citizens rather than superior athletes. Little League not only gives children a place to play. It teaches positive values, builds character, creates life-long friendships and strengthens communities.
Other Ways to Give:
Raffle prizes (ie: gift cards for use at your business). We are also always in need of volunteers.
Contact Info:
Jeffrey Ware
We provide partial care, vocational, day habilitation, and supported employment services (funded by NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services and NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities).
We are the program coordinators and skills trainers for the Bergen County Adult Project SEARCH programs at Bergen County and Bergen New Bridge Medical Center.
We also have one evening program at the moment, Dimensions for Wellness which helps individuals with disabilities with integrating in the community.
The mission of North Jersey Friendship House is to build the skills of individuals with varying abilities and developmental needs by providing, within a safe haven, comprehensive clinical treatment, vocational training and work opportunities in order to achieve meaningful and productive lives.
Other Ways to Give:
North Jersey Friendship House accepts in-kind donations:
Facebook fundraisers
Volunteering your time by sharing expertise (baking, computer skills, art, yoga, music, gardening, etc).
Contact Info:
Kathy English
Spectrum for Living provides a multitude of services for adults with developmental, physical, and intellectual disabilities. We serve individuals across all income levels, ethnicities, and sexual orientations, including adults with autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, spina bifida, psychiatric needs, and other neurological impairments.
Services include intermediate care for those requiring medically intensive support, barrier-free housing, adult day programs, case management, respite services, and recreational programs.
Our Adult Training Centers provide a variety of stimulating programs, which help clients with skill-building. Clients participate in art therapy, computer applications, music classes, community integration, sensory integration, workplace readiness, and cognitive development programs.
We provide comprehensive health care services for our residents and community clients at our sites. Our Medical Director oversees the provision of quality care, including nursing services, behavioral health, physical, occupational, speech, and dietary therapies.
We care for clients in an intermediate care facility, group homes, and supervised apartments. Our Intermediate Care Facility provides care for our most medically intensive residents. Our homes provide clients with private rooms and common living areas. Our apartments offer private rooms, a shared living room, and adaptive kitchens and bathrooms.
Our Recreational Programs offer our clients the freedom to make their own choices, become active members of society, and have access to the same opportunities as other adults. Clients participate in dances, games, arts, music, and field trips. These activities improve the quality of life of our clients, offering new means of socialization, integration, and sensory development.
Our Family Respite Program provides a safe, secure, and warm environment for families of those with disabilities. We offer short-term respite stays at our Bergenfield Community Respite Home and area hotels, and we also offer a Saturday Respite Program.
Our Support Services Unit offers in-home training, community-based support, and community inclusion services. We work to link adults with developmental disabilities and their families living in the community to essential services such as benefits/entitlements, housing, day programs, and support services.
Spectrum for Living’s mission is to enable individuals who have developmental and/or physical disabilities to have the opportunity to attain their highest level of skills, purpose, and independence with dignity through an ongoing commitment to comprehensive quality services, advocacy, and family partnership.
Other Ways to Give:
New and Unused:
Contact Info:
Elizabeth Boyajian
Susan G. Komen is funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Over 1,750 people in New Jersey seek help and information from Susan G. Komen every week. Last year Komen’s Patient Care Center served over 38,000 people nationwide with information that included local and national resources and help with clinical trials, emotional support and financial assistance. $235,000 was directed to people in New Jersey last year alone. We unify communities through Komen’s programs and events, and advocate for breast cancer rights and better public policies.
Our mission is to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.
Contact Info:
Need Help? Call our breast care helpline to assist with finding local screening and diagnostic facilities or clinical research trials, requesting financial assistance, or other questions or care needs. 1-877-465-6636 or
We enrich our community by supporting the families of law enforcement, fire and EMS personnel in the event of their death or injury. We ensure our future by providing scholarships and assistance to agencies that protect us.
Contact Info:
Jennifer Warkentin